Intelligent fabrication - Workshop 2024
As part of the annual Intelligent Fabrication Workshop led by Klaas De Rycke at ÉNSA Versailles, a series of both online and off-line lectures will be open to everyone. The 2024 edition focuses on building bio-sourced materials (wicker/wood) for roof structures using a parametric workflow for balancing structural performance and digital manufacturing.

Following a century dominated by materials like iron, steel, and concrete, the construction industry is witnessing a renewed interest in natural materials. However, biomaterials often exhibit poor performance in bending, necessitating a strategic approach to decomposing forces into tension and compression to optimize their use: +/-. Given the current environmental challenges, it is imperative to design thoughtfully and consume less material: +/-.
The workshop serves as a final moment of the bachelor years and should open to prospective elements that can open up new ways of conceiving architecture. It should also be a workshop that opens the perspective of the students on research as an integral part of the project, of their professional outlook and of their master years.